In 1964, Stoever Glass was only one of two financial institutions specializing in municipal bonds for the individual investor.  As pioneers in the area, we recognize the unique benefits of municipal bonds including diversification from stock market risk, capital preservation, and income generation.

Our salesmen and traders are constantly seeking out undervalued bonds. As a result we select a few from the marketplace on a regular basis in an attempt to optimize returns for clients. There is no guarantee that this strategy will result in a profit.

From day one, our focus has been on our clients.  We want each client to be:


Our inventory of municipal bonds is built to meet the specific needs of individual investors—not banks and insurance companies. We buy bonds that we ourselves would be happy to own again, because our policy is to bid a market price for any bond we sold to a client.


Our educational reports explain the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of bonds, tips for avoiding the most common and costly mistakes, and how to construct a portfolio that will give an investor the greatest return on each investment dollar.


Obviously, clients want results. But they also want to feel comfortable and confident that their unique needs are being addressed and given the attention they deserve.  We’re proud to say that 98% of our clients are repeat clients.